Planning Board

What do we do?

The Town of Washington Planning Board is authorized to review land use development applications to ensure that proposed activities are compatible with the Town's Comprehensive Plan in conformance with the Town Zoning Code and Subdivision Regulations. The development review functions of the Town Planning Board include major and minor subdivisions, lot line modifications, site plan review, special permit application review, and wetland permit application review.

2024 Planning Board Meeting Dates & Submission Deadlines

For more information, please contact the Planning Board Secretary

10 Reservoir Dr.
Millbrook, NY 12545

Phone: (845) 677-3419 ext 116
Fax: (845) 677-2085


Office Hours: Monday - Friday 
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Who are we?

Planning Board members are appointed to a seven year term by the Town Board. The current Planning Board members are listed below:

Chairperson: Susan Meaney (through 12/31/2027)

Emily Abrahams (through 12/31/2027)

Eric Alexander (through 12/31/2026)

Nicole Drury (through 12/31/2025)

Richard Philipps (through 12/31/2026)

Andrew Spence (through 12/31/2025)

Anna Hall (through 12/31/2028)

Adam Brandow (alternatitve)

Zoom Link to Planning Board Meetings:

Meeting ID: 879 3461 2181
Passcode: 968216


The Planning Board meets every month, typically on the first Tuesday at 6:00pm. Meetings are held at The Town Hall (10 Reservoir Drive, Millbrook NY 12545). These meetings are always open to the public.

We always advise that you check the calendar as meeting dates are occasionally shifted to accomodate holidays, religious observances, etc. that could impact the ability of the public to participate in the meeting or because there are no applications to review.

2024 Meeting Dates: Jan 2nd, Feb 6th, March 5th, April 2nd, May 7th, June 4th, July 2nd, Aug 6th, Sept 3rd, Oct 1st, Nov 5th, Dec 3rd

Planning Board Documents & Forms

Legislation and Comprehensive Plan

DEADLINES - For new Planning Board applications, in order to be scheduled on the Planning Board agenda, complete application packets must be received by the Planning Board  Clerk fourteen days prior to the Planning Board meeting. No exceptions.  

2024 Meeting Dates & Submission Deadlines

  • It is strongly recommended that applicants meet with the Zoning Administrator prior to the submission date to ensure a complete packet is being submitted.
  • A site visit by the Zoning Administrator is required prior to the submission date to verify site information and to ensure there aren't any violations on the property.
  • The complete application submittal packet must be delievered to the Town fourteen days prior to the Planning Board meeting to be included on the next Planning Board meeting date.
  • Failure to submit a complete packet will delay Planning Board review.
  • Violations on a property will delay Planning Board review.

Preparing Site Maps for Approval & Signature

Actions of The Planning Board

  1. Prior to making a decision on the application, the Planning Board shall make a determination of significance under the State Environmental Quality Review Act. The Planning Board may open the public hearing prior to the determination of significance in order to obtain public comment on the issues of environmental concern.
  2. Decisions of approval or disapproval will be made no more than sixty-two (62) days after the closing of a public hearing on a complete application. The decision of the Planning Board will be filed with the Town Clerk within five (5) business days of the date of the decision.
  3. Disapproval of an application will require the resubmission of a preliminary application if the applicant wishes to pursue further consideration of the plan.
  4. Conditional approval of a Plat will expire on the one hundred eightieth (180th) day after the conditional approval granted by the Planning Board. Upon request, the Planning Board may extend the conditional approval for no more than two (2) additional periods of ninety (90) days each, if the request is warranted and received in a timely manner.
  5. The Plat will be void if it is revised after the Planning Board signature. No changes, erasures, modifications or revisions shall be made on any plat after the plat has been signed by the  Board. If the recorded plan contains any changes, the plat shall be considered void, and the Planning Board shall take action to remove the plat from county records.
  6. When Planning Board approval is granted for anything requiring a building permit, the applicant must provide Building Department a copy of the Planning Board Resolution, a copy of approved plats or plot plans and if necessary, a copy of the notice of filing with Dutchess County.
  7. In addition to other notes as may be required by the Board, the applicant shall include as notes on the map the following: Driveway Construction Guidelines, Erosion Control Guidelines

Fees & Escrow Funds

PB Fee Schedule

  • All fees are due at the time an application is submitted.
  • Application and Administrative fees are not refundable. Checks shall be made payable to the Town of Washington.
  • Payment will be made with separate checks to cover the following: (1) Escrow Funds; and (2) Application and Administrative Fee.
  • Recreation Fees are due and payable at the time of Final Subdivision Approval.
  • Escrow Fees are used to pay the cost of consultant fees incurred by the Planning Board to review the application.
    • Any uexpected funds will be returned to the applicant after all consultant fees have been paid.
    • The applicant may be periodically advised as to the need to replenish the Escrow Fees.
  • An additional fee of $100.00 per month will be assessed for all applications that are on the agenda and where applicants or their representatives make an apperance before the Planning Board for greater than four meetings.
  • Approval of all applications is expressly conditioned on the payment of all fees, including all Escrow Fees. The signature of the Chair on any final plat will be withheld pending payment of all outstanding amounts.

Legal Notices & Applications

Planning Board FAQs