What do we do?
The Town of Washington Planning Board is authorized to review land use development applications to ensure that proposed activities are compatible with the Town's Comprehensive Plan in conformance with the Town Zoning Code and Subdivision Regulations. The development review functions of the Town Planning Board include major and minor subdivisions, lot line modifications, site plan review, special permit application review, and wetland permit application review.
For more information, please contact the Planning Board Secretary
Jennifer Bossert
Email: planningboard@washingtonny.org
10 Reservoir Dr.
Millbrook, NY 12545
Phone: (845) 677-3419 ext 116
Fax: (845) 677-2085
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Who are we?
Planning Board members are appointed to a seven-year term by the Town Board. The current Planning Board members are listed below:
Chairperson: Susan Meaney (through 12/31/2027)
Emily Abrahams (through 12/31/2027)
Eric Alexander (through 12/31/2026)
Nicole Drury (through 12/31/2025)
Richard Philipps (through 12/31/2026)
Anna Hall (through 12/31/2028)
Adam Brandow (Alternate)
Zoom Link to Planning Board Meetings:
Meeting ID: 879 3461 2181
Passcode: 968216
The Planning Board meets every month, typically on the first Tuesday at 6:00pm. Meetings are held at The Town Hall (10 Reservoir Drive, Millbrook NY 12545). These meetings are always open to the public.
We always advise that you check the calendar as meeting dates are occasionally shifted to accomodate holidays, religious observances, etc. that could impact the ability of the public to participate in the meeting or because there are no applications to review.
2025 Meeting Dates: Jan 7th, Feb 4th, March 4th, April 1st, May 6th, June 3rd, July 1st, Aug 5th, Sept 2nd, Oct 7th, Nov 4th, Dec 2nd
Planning Board Documents & Forms
- Planning Board Application Checklist
- Planning Board Application
- Planning Board Fees
- Pre-Application Meeting Request
- Wetland Permit Application
- Agricultural Data Statement
- Consent to Inspection
- Owner's Endorsement - Requires a Notarized Signature
- Planning Board Meeting Dates & Submission Deadlines
- Short Form Environmental Assessment Form Part 1 - Project Information NYSDEC
Legal Notices & Applications
- Legal Notices -
- Legal Notice Feb. 6, 2024
- Legal Notice Aug. 6, 2024
- Legal Notice September 3, 2024 (Capes-Gemini LLC)
- Legal Notice September 3, 2024 (Florack)
- Legal Notice October 1, 2024 (Clear)
- SEQRA Legal Notice December 3rd, 2024 (Clear)
- Applications -
- Ciferri - Maple Hill Drive and County House Road
- Clear - 515 Woodstock Road
- Clear Negative Resolution (12/3/24)
- Clear Subdivision Negative Declaration Adopted by the PB (12/3/24)
- Clear Subdivision EAF Part 3 Adopted by the PB (12/3/24)
- Clear Subdivision EAF Part 2 Adopted by the PB (12/3/24)
- Clear Subdivision EAF Part 1 and Narrative (12/3/24)
- Clear Negative Declaration AKRF (12/3/24)
- Clear EAF Part 3 AKRF (11/27/24)
- Clear EAF Part 2 AKRF (11/27/24)
- Draft EAF Part 2 Offered by Applicant (11/19/24)
- EAF Part 1 (11/19/24)
- Letter of Transmittal (11/19/24)
- Clear Response Letter (11/19/24)
- Clear Resolution Setting Public Hearing (11/5/24)
- Clear Resolution Subdivision Type (11/5/24)
- Clear Steve Marino Bog Turtle Review (11/4/24)
- Clear AKRF Memo (10/31/24)
- Clear Cover Letter (10/23/24)
- Clear Post Hearing Letter (10/23/24)
- Clear Drainage Letter (10/23/24)
- Clear Soil Test Letter (10/23/24)
- Clear Phase 1 Bog Turtle Habitat Assessment (10/23/24)
- Clear Constraints Map (10/23/24)
- Clear CAC Letter (10/3/24)
- Letter to the Planning Board (Camillo 10/1/24)
- AKRF Memo (9/27/24)
- Clear CAC Letter (9/18/24)
- LRC Bog Turtle Letter (Clear)
- Clear CAC Letter (9/4/24)
- Clear Wetlands Consultant Memo
- Letter to the Planning Board (Camillo)
- Letter to the Planning Board (Mancuso)
- Clear Property - Response to AKRF Comments
- Clear County Response (8/23/24)
- Full Environmental Assessment Form Part 1
- SHPO Letter of No Impact
- Highway Department Response (SEQR)
- Clear AKRF Memo (8/30/24)
- County Response (SEQR)
- AKRF Memo
- Open Space Report
- Clear Subdivision Plan Set (7/23/24)
- Land Inventory Report (7/23/24)
- NRI Analysis Report (7/23/24)
- Habitat & Biodiversity Report
- Wetland Delineation Report
- Cover Letter & Project Narrative
- Florack- Site Plan & Special Use Permit
- Hammond - 3815 Route 44
- Von Werz - 57 Edgewood Drive
- Ibanez - Wetlands & Watercourse
- Nelson - 2647 Route 44 (Formerly Cottonwood Property)
- Nelson - 7 Fowler Road
- Presser - Site Plan
- Bontecou & Farah - Lot Line Revision
- Hurley - Site Plan
- Mulvey - Site Plan & Special Use Permit
- Milkov - Site Plan
- Gonsalves - Site Plan & Special Use Permit
- Legal Notices -
- Planning Board Legal Notice January 3, 2023
- Planning Board Legal Notice March 7, 2023
- Planning Board Legal Notice July 11, 2023
- Applications -
- Andrea Woodner - Special Use Permit
- Dutchess Day School - Special Use Permit
- Eric Alexander & Marcia DeVoe - Site Plan Approval Application
- Alexander DeVoe Completed PB Application
- Alexander DeVoe Completed PB Consent to Inspection
- Alexander DeVoe Completed PB EAF
- Alexander DeVoe Completed PB Owners Endorsement
- Alexander DeVoe PB Deed
- Alexander DeVoe
- 21-003 Alexander DeVoe PB Aerial 2-16-23
- 21-003 Alexander DeVoe PB Site Plan Rev 4-11-23
- Magid - Lot Line Adjustment
- Upton Lake Christian School - Wetland Permit
- Clear - Subdivison Application
- 515 Woodstock Rd Map
- 515 Woodstock Rd. Application
- Clear Subdivision - Legal Notice 1/2/24
- C.A.C Recommendation - Land Sub Reg Art I Sec 11 - Clear Application
- Agenda Packet 2/6/24 - Regarding Clear Application - Including Letters from Residents and Interested Persons
- AKRF Review 12/1/23 - Clear Application
- AKRF Review 2/2/24 - Clear Application
- Letter from Applicant's Attorney - 2/6/24
- Subdivision Application Withdrawal Letter
- Legal Notices -
- Legal Notice - Apr 5, 2022
- Legal Notice - Jul 5, 2022
- Legal Notice - Sept 6, 2022
- Legal Notice - Nov 1, 2022
- Legal Notice - Dec 6, 2022
- Documents -
- Hathaway to Palinkas Lot Lin Change Sub 10 19 21
- Johnson Family Trust Approval, Resolution, Neg. Dec.
- Johnson Family Trust Sub Concept Plan
- Johnson Family Trust Subdivision Letter
- Lot Line Change Hathaway and Palinkas
- Palinkas James Finley Letter
- Palinkas-Hathaway Lot Line Change Consent to Inspection Forms
- Perkins Palladium Lot Line Change Letter
- Perkins Palladium Lot Line Change Map
- Bontecou 3 Application
- Brian Kiernan Approval and Resolution
- Brian Kiernan Special Use Permit
- Brian Kiernan Special Use Permit-Letter
- Brian Kiernan-3699 Rt 44
- Applications -
- Apollo Field Gate House Application
- Bontecou One Subdivision Application - 1015 Shunpike, Est. of J. Bontecou
- DLC Special Use Permit Application
- DLC Resolution
- DLC TOW-102422
- DLC_SEAF Report 10-17-22 - signed
- James Finley Recommendation
- 2022-10-18 (t) KTB to PB
- DLC 562 Route 343-Zoning Administrator Interperation
- DLC 2022-10-18 PB Application Signed and Notarized
- DLC 2022-10-18 Site Plan Set
- DLC Consent to Inspection Form
- DLC County Response
- DLC Files-PB
- DLC Owners Endorsement Form
- Howe Barn Conversion
- Micha Magid - 245 Hammond Hill Rd., Special Use Permit Application
- Orvis Letter of Inquiry
- Quila Farms Application
- Reiff, Camillo and Gross Lot Line Change
- Upton Lake High School Special Permit
- Upton Lake High School Application (Bovee)
- Upton Lake Site Plan 23 06 14
- Upton Lake HS Twn Washington Site PLan Appl
- Upton Lake HS SEAF Part 1
- Upton Lake HS Deed
- Upton Lake High School Site Plan
- Upton Lake High School Layout
- UL Updated Site Plan
- UL Addendum to Traffic Study
- Bovee Upton Lake Scan 20221018
- Bovee Upton Lake Scan 20221018 5
- Bovee Upton Lake Scan 20221018 2
- White Rock Farm Truse - Site Plan Approval
- Wolf Clark Application
- Applications -
- Chatillon Realty Corporation - Mailman Convservations Preservation Area Project Application
- Letters Regarding Application
- Letter and document from L. Conger
- Gayleward - Subdivision
- Mellins - Wetlands & Watercourse
- Renert Wetlands & Watercourse Application: Intro 8/3/21 PB Meeting
- Closed Applications -
- Derris & Kier - Special Use Permit
- Aerial Map
- Affidavit for Representation at Meeting
- Amended Application
- Consent to Inspection
- Consent to Inspection pt. 2
- Deed
- Reduced Set of 3
- Short EAF
- Site Plan Driveway
- Structural Design
- Application
- Survey Map
- Updates & Revisions to Original Application
- Apollo - Lot Line Revision
- Bancroft Farm - Modified Shared Access Driveway
- Amended Subdivision
- Letter to Planning Board from Applicant's Consultant
- Proposed Neg Dec
- Proposed Resolution
- Revised Application 7-20-21 PB
- Original Application
- Bancroft Revised Application
- Bontecou One - Subdivision Application
- Bontecou Two Application - Approved Nov. 2, 2021
- Dabbs - Lot Line Change
- Dabbs - Pool House
- DeVoe & Alexander - Special Use Permit
- Application
- Letter from Attorney representing Five Acre Farm Academy
- Proposed Five Acre Farm Academy Brochure
- Proposed Five Acre Farm Academy Draft Standards & Best Practices
- Proposed Five Acre Farm Academy Expanded Learning Opportunties
- Attachment A
- Attachment B
- Attachment C - Site Plan
- Attachment D
- Letters
- Mabbettsville Realty - Special Use Permit
- Submissions - Documents
- Submissions - Bacon Triangle Solar at Cary IES - Submitted July 29, 2020
- Planting Overview and Maintenance Strategy
- Planting Plan Overview
- Proposed Planting Plan
- Proposed Project Site Plan
- Submission Cover Letter
- Visual Rendering Fence and Hedgerow
- Visual Rendering Pollinator
- Approved Site Map
- Decommissioning Letter
- Fence Height Study
- Fencing Overview and Maintenance Strategy
- Table of Contents 7-29
- Roles & Responsibilities 7-29
- Submissions - Bacon Triangle/Cary IES Solar Project
- Submissions - Bontecou Rally Farms Subdivison
- Submissions - Cole Site Plan Accessory Building
- Submissions - Global Self Storage Special Use Permit
- Submissions - Hegal Wetland & Watercourse Application
- Submissions - Keller LLC DeBartolo Lot Line Revision
- Application Page 1
- Keller De Bartolo Lot Line App Page 2
- Keller De Bartolo Lot Line App Page 3
- Keller De Bartolo Lot Line App Page 4
- Keller De Bartolo SHORT FORM EAF page1
- Keller De Bartolo SHORT FORM EAF page2
- Keller De Bartolo SHORT FORM EAF page4
- Keller LLC - DeBartolo Lot Line Change SEQR Page 4
- Keller De Bartolo Lot Line Revision Survey May 5 2020 PB Meeting
- Submissions - Mellins Wetlands Permit
- Submissions - Millbrook Winery Site Plan Application
- Submissions - Oak Summit LLC, Millprop I LLC & Millprop III LLC
- Submissions - Ruge's Site Plan
- Ruge's Site Plan
- Ruge's Submission #2
- Engineer's Review of Ruge's
- Public Comment Correspondence for Ruge's
- Schneible Document 2
- Supplement to CAC submission - DC Soil & Water
- Town Attorney Letter of Opinion regarding Ruge's Site Plan Application
- 8 28 20 Ltr to PB, Ruge's Application Colleen Gibbs Howland
- CAC Advisory Report For Ruge Chevorlet 20201006
- CAC Advisory to Ruge's Site Plan Application
- Public Comment Ruge Site Plan Application Mr. & Mrs. DeCarle
- Public Comments regarding Ruge Site Plan Application D. Davi
- Robert and Peter Audia - Comments regarding Ruge's Planning Board Application
- Margaret Schneible Public Hearing Submission
- Schneible Doc 1
- Schneible Doc 2
- Schneible Doc 3
- Schneible Doc 4
- Schneible Doc 5
- Schneible Doc 6
- Schneible Doc 7
- Schneible Doc 8
- Schneible Doc 9
- Schneible Doc 10A
- Schneible Doc 10B
- Schneible Doc 11
- Schneible Doc 12
- Schneible Doc 13
- Schneible Doc 14
- Schneible Doc 15
- Schneible Doc 16
- Schneible Doc 17
- Schneible Doc 18
- Schneible Doc 19
- Schneible Doc 19B
- Schneible Doc 19C
- Schneible Doc 19D
- Schneible Doc 19E
- Schneible Doc 20
- Schneible Doc 21
- Schneible Doc 21B
- Schneible Doc 21C
- Schneible Doc 22
- Submissions - YSG Solar - Cary IES Revised Site Plan Application
- YSG Cary IES Fencing Overview & Maintenance Strategy
- YSG Cary IES Photo of Planting
- YSG Cary IES Planting Overview & Maintenance
- YSG Cary IES Proposed Project Site Map with Planting
- YSG Cary IES Roles & Responsibilities
- YSG Cary IES Table of Contents
- YSG Cary IES Visual Renderings Pollinated Site
- YSG Cary IES Approved Site Map
- YSG Cary IES Cover Letter
Legislation and Comprehensive Plan
DEADLINES - For new Planning Board applications, in order to be scheduled on the Planning Board agenda, complete application packets must be received by the Planning Board Clerk fourteen days prior to the Planning Board meeting. No exceptions.
2024 Meeting Dates & Submission Deadlines
- It is strongly recommended that applicants meet with the Zoning Administrator prior to the submission date to ensure a complete packet is being submitted.
- A site visit by the Zoning Administrator is required prior to the submission date to verify site information and to ensure there aren't any violations on the property.
- The complete application submittal packet must be delievered to the Town fourteen days prior to the Planning Board meeting to be included on the next Planning Board meeting date.
- Failure to submit a complete packet will delay Planning Board review.
- Violations on a property will delay Planning Board review.
- Prior to making a decision on the application, the Planning Board shall make a determination of significance under the State Environmental Quality Review Act. The Planning Board may open the public hearing prior to the determination of significance in order to obtain public comment on the issues of environmental concern.
- Decisions of approval or disapproval will be made no more than sixty-two (62) days after the closing of a public hearing on a complete application. The decision of the Planning Board will be filed with the Town Clerk within five (5) business days of the date of the decision.
- Disapproval of an application will require the resubmission of a preliminary application if the applicant wishes to pursue further consideration of the plan.
- Conditional approval of a Plat will expire on the one hundred eightieth (180th) day after the conditional approval granted by the Planning Board. Upon request, the Planning Board may extend the conditional approval for no more than two (2) additional periods of ninety (90) days each, if the request is warranted and received in a timely manner.
- The Plat will be void if it is revised after the Planning Board signature. No changes, erasures, modifications or revisions shall be made on any plat after the plat has been signed by the Board. If the recorded plan contains any changes, the plat shall be considered void, and the Planning Board shall take action to remove the plat from county records.
- When Planning Board approval is granted for anything requiring a building permit, the applicant must provide Building Department a copy of the Planning Board Resolution, a copy of approved plats or plot plans and if necessary, a copy of the notice of filing with Dutchess County.
- In addition to other notes as may be required by the Board, the applicant shall include as notes on the map the following: Driveway Construction Guidelines, Erosion Control Guidelines
- All fees are due at the time an application is submitted.
- Application and Administrative fees are not refundable. Checks shall be made payable to the Town of Washington.
- Payment will be made with separate checks to cover the following: (1) Escrow Funds; and (2) Application and Administrative Fee.
- Recreation Fees are due and payable at the time of Final Subdivision Approval.
- Escrow Fees are used to pay the cost of consultant fees incurred by the Planning Board to review the application.
- Any uexpected funds will be returned to the applicant after all consultant fees have been paid.
- The applicant may be periodically advised as to the need to replenish the Escrow Fees.
- An additional fee of $100.00 per month will be assessed for all applications that are on the agenda and where applicants or their representatives make an apperance before the Planning Board for greater than four meetings.
- Approval of all applications is expressly conditioned on the payment of all fees, including all Escrow Fees. The signature of the Chair on any final plat will be withheld pending payment of all outstanding amounts.
Preparing Site Maps for Approval & Signature
Planning Board FAQs
After you have submitted the required application, fees, and any documentation, your matter will be placed on the agenda for a Planning Board meeting, usually held at 6:00pm on the first Tuesday of each month. At the initial meeting, called a "Workshop", you (or your representative) should be prepared to discuss your project fully and answer any questions from Planning Board members. The consultant to the Planning Board will discuss the various issues raised by your application and you may be asked to provide more information at a subsequent meeting. Any further fees required will be discussed.
For most applicants, a Public Hearing is required. This will be set after the Workshop and only when the Planning Board itself is satisfied that the applicant has addressed all comments and questions to the satisfaction of the Board. The Public Hearing will be set for the following month and your neighbors will be notified of your application so that they can comment if they like.
At the Public Hearing, you or your representative must be prepared to present your application so that the members of the public who attend can understand it. The Chair will open the hearing to public comment.
After the public has had the opportunity to comment, the Board will decide whether they are ready to vote on your application, if your application is approved, a written decision may be issued and the Planning Board Chair will sign the necessary documentation. There may be conditions to your approval, which you must abide by. If your application is not approved, no further action is required.
The Town of Washington Zoning Code requires the following types of projects to be reviewed by the Planning Board:
- Subdivisions of land (Residential and non-residential)
- Lot line adjustments
- Site plans or changes to existing site plans for Commercial projects
- Stables and Riding Academies (Public or private)
- Conversions of Barns and Accessory structures to residential use
- Construction of Accessory Residential Housing (permanent or temporary)
- Signs, except as permitted by right under Section 331 of the Zoning code
- Most home occupations
- Any Soil Mining or Quarrying activity
- Installation of certain Solar Energy or Telecommunications equipment
- Wetlands Permits
- Other Special Permits, as listed in the Zoning code
The Planning Board meets once a month, on the first Tuesday of the month, usually at 6:00 P.M. See the current Planning Board schedule for specific meeting dates and application deadlines (typically two weeks prior to the meeting)
Planning Board applications can be downloaded from the Planning Board home page of the Town website (above) or can be obtained by contacting or visiting the Building and Land Use department at the Town hall during operating hours.
Yes. Fees and escrow fees for Planning Board applications can be found on the list of Planning Board fees (above). In addition, if a Public Hearing is required as part of your application, notification costs such as postage and newspaper publication are borne by the applicant.
Yes. The applicant or their authorized representative must be present and explain the project to the Board at the public meeting. Often, questions are asked by the Board or members of the public and additional clarification or information may be needed before the Planning Board can make a final decision.
If an application is approved by the Planning Board, the next step is dependent on the type of application and the type of approval granted. In some cases, conditions are established by the Planning Board in their approval, which may need to be met and confirmed prior to proceeding with the project. It is important that applicants make note of these conditions and/or contact the Planning department for clarification of what is required in order to proceed.
No. A variance is required when a property owner wants to build structures or use land in ways that are contrary to existing local zoning regulations. The property owner would seek a variance through the Zoning Board of Appeals.
The adopted zoning districts can be viewed on the Current Zoning Map, or by searching Dutchess County ParcelAccess for property information.
Uses and structure limitations (such as setbacks from property lines, maximum lot coverage, and maximum building height) can be found in the Zoning Code.
For any questions or assistance, please contact the Building and Land Use department, or see additional information available on the Building and Land Use home page.
The Town of Washington has a Wetlands and Watercourses Law, which requires that a property owner apply file a seperate WETLAND PERMIT FORM before any work is commenced on or near a wetland area or watercourse. This regulated area ist typically 50 to 100 feet from the edge of the wetland area or watercourse.
In some cases, where change in use of the home is considered "de minimus" no approval is required. In other cases, the proposed home occupation is permitted by right, and an application for a permit would be directed to the Zoning Administrator. In still other cases, certain home occupations and uses are permitted only by Special Permit and approval of the Planning Board is required. See Section 321 of the Zoning Code. When Planning Board approval is necessary, the applicant must fill out the Planning Board application and any other required documentation and submit this to the Planning Board secretary. A public hearing will be required before the Planning Board votes on your application for a Special Permit. Please contact the Zoning Administrator for any questions or clarification on which situation applies in your case.
The Town of Washington has a Wetlands Law that requires that a Wetland Permit be obtained prior to beginning any modifications such as clear cutting, filling, construction, dredging or excavating in a regulated wetland, watercourse, or within the controlled area of a wetland or watercourse (typically 50-100 feet from the boundary of the wetland or watercourse) This application is available through the Planning Board home page (above)
A lot line change that has been agreed upon by both affected landowners can usually be acheived in a fairly simple way. The parties fill out a Planning Board application and submit that together with a survey showing the property line changes. A proposed lot line adjustment is subject to Article II, Section 20.2 (Minor Subdivisions and Lot Line Adjustments) of the Town's subdivision regulations. However, the Planning Board has historically not treated lot line adjustments (with no new lots created) as subdivisions and generally does not require a public hearing. The applicant (or their representative) must appear before the Board to discuss the application. If no new lots are created and there are no significant environmental impacts, the Board will usually vote on the proposed lot line change at that first meeting.