
Sole Appointed Assessor

Lisa Evangelista

Phone: (845) 677-3419 option 2, 1
Fax: (845) 677-2085 Attn: Assessor

Assessor's Aide/Clerk

Kathy Moro

Phone: (845) 677-3419 option 2, 2
Fax: (845) 677-2085 Attn: Assessor Clerk

Data Collector

Michael Olivette

Phone: (845) 677-3419, option 2, 3
Fax: (845) 677-2085 Attn: Data Collector

Important Notices:


Pursuant to §501 of the Real Property Tax Law, notice is hereby given that assessment inventory and valuation data is available for examination and review. This data will be used to establish the assessment of each parcel for the tentative assessment roll of the Town of Washington which will be filed on May 1, 2025.

The information may be reviewed in the Assessor’s office, open M-F 9am to 12pm. For an appointment, please call 845-677-3419, option 2.

Final Roll Notice

Final Roll will be available the beginning of July at: Current Assessment Rolls in Dutchess County.  A copy is also available to the public at Town Hall in the Clerk’s and Assessor offices.

Office Hours

Monday - Friday

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM by appointment only

General Department Information

The Town of Washington Assessor’s Office is responsible for maintaining the assessment roll for both the Town of Washington and the Village of Millbrook. The assessment roll establishes the base value from which property taxes are levied. New York State law requires the assessor to maintain assessments at a uniform percentage of market value each year. Paramount to the successful completion of the assessment roll is the careful maintenance of property record information. Each parcel within the Town of Washington has an individual property record file noting ownership, inventory, and a sketch of structures.  It is vital that property owners periodically review the inventory attributed to their properties to ensure accuracy. It is the responsibility of the individuals to monitor their assessments especially after the tentative roll is filed.

The Assessor works in conjunction with the building department to carefully monitor new construction, property enhancements, and changes. Building permits and plans from the Village of Millbrook and the Town of Washington are submitted to the assessor and property record information is updated after site visits called “road reviews.”  Enhancements made to properties in the previous year may increase the assessed value of a property.

The Assessor is available for consultations regarding individual parcels and can provide information regarding assessments. The assessor does not set tax rates and cannot provide information regarding the policies of the individual taxing bodies which include local school districts, Dutchess County, the Town of Washington, the Village of Millbrook and special districts.

The Town of Washington Assessor’s Office provides for fair and equitable tax assessment for all town property owners.

Dutchess County Real Property Quick Links, Tax & Assessment Rolls and moreDutchess County Tax Rolls Website

Exemptions – The Assessor processes exemption applications and renewals which must be filed by March 1st.

Exemption Information & Forms

Register for School Tax Relief (STAR ) with the New York State Department of Taxation. or call (518) 457-2036

  • Enhanced STAR is for senior citizens that meet age and income requirements.

Important Dates

  • Taxable Status Date: March 1st
  • Tentative Roll: May 1st
  • Grievance Day: 4th Tuesday in May
  • Valuation Date: July 1st
  • Final Roll: July 1st

Latest Assessment Roll Information

Final Roll will be available the beginning of July at: Current Assessment Rolls

A copy is also available to the public at Town Hall in the Clerk’s and Assessor offices.

Assessment Grievances

Please use the Complaint on Real Property Assessment form or see the Real Property Assessment - Instructions for Filing Complaints.

If a property owner is not satisfied with their assessment they may file a grievance with the Board of Assessment Review (BAR). Grievance Day is held on the 4th Tuesday in May each year. The BAR is a body of citizens who live in the town. Their purpose is to listen to the grievances of property owners and possibly make changes to the assessments. The burden is on the property owner to prove that the filed property assessment is excessive, unequal, or unlawful. If individuals are not satisfied with the determination of the BAR, they can elect to appeal to Small Claims Assessment Review (SCAR) or initiate an Article 7 certiorari proceeding in State Supreme Court.

Parcel information and GIS mapping services are available at  (The assessor does not validate the accuracy of this information)

Forms & Documents

Assessor FAQs