Town Clerk & Vital Registrar
Chrissy Briggs
10 Reservoir Dr.
Millbrook, NY 12545
Phone: (845) 677-3419 ext 100
Fax: (845) 677-2085
Deputy Town Clerk
Kristen Beaumont
10 Reservoir Dr.
Millbrook, NY 12545
Phone: (845) 677-3419 ext 101
Fax: (845) 677-2085
Deputy Tax Collector / Clerk
Natalie Thorpe
10 Reservoir Dr.
Millbrook, NY 12545
Phone: (845) 677-3419 ext 114
Fax: (845) 677-2085
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
09:00 AM - 03:00 PM
General Information
The office of the Town Clerk is the hub around which Town business revolves. Town Clerk Briggs and Deputy Clerk Beaumont strive to provide every resident with prompt, courteous and reliable service. The Town Clerk, elected every four years, serves as the Tax Collector, Licensing Agent and the Records Management Officer of the Town. Custodian of all the records, the Town Clerk is responsible for active files, disposition of inactive records and protection of the archives.
The Town Clerk:
- Provides local licenses including Dog Licenses and Transfer Station Permits
- Issues licenses for New York State including Marriage Licenses, Sporting Licenses, and Handicap/Disability Car Tags
- Serves as the Registrar for Vital Statistics for the issuance and filing of Birth and Death Certificates.
- Is the Records Access Officer managing the records and documents that are important to the lives of the townspeople.
- Attends all meetings of the Town Board and acts as clerk thereof, keeping an accurate record of the proceedings.
- Is one of the few Town Clerk’s in New York State that also serve as Tax Collector.
Town Clerk Resources & Information
Location: 711 Route 343, Millbrook, NY 12545
Hours: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 7:30 am – 4:00 pm. Last C & D load in time is 3:30 PM.
The facility is available to residents provided they have and display a current permit. All permits expire annually on June 30th. The permit fees are as follows:
- Resident $80.00
- Senior Citizen (62) $50.00
- One-Day Pass $40.00
- Additional Vehicle per household $25.00
- Contractor $360.00
- 5 Bag Ticket for Household Garbage $28.00
- 10 Bag Ticket for Household Garbage $56.00
- Residents provide their own garbage bags.
- Each bag ticket allows the disposal of a 33 gallon bag of garbage.
- The permit allows for free disposal of recyclables, brush and leaves.
- The facility accepts non-hazardous bulk items at additional fees, including electronic items.
- Dutchess County Resource Recovery Agency sponsors Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Days throughout the year. Call 463-6020 or visit their website at to register.
- Electronic Waste Information
Permits and punch cards may be purchased at the Town Clerk’s office or through the mail.
- Make checks payable to “Town Clerk” with the proper payment
- Send a written request detailing your purchase
- Include a copy of your vehicle registration
- Include a self addressed stamped envelope
NO BURNING – March 16 – May 14
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has enacted a statewide ban on burning trash, eliminating burn barrels and open pits to incinerate waste. The ban does allow for some exceptions, including the burning of tree limbs and branches from March 16 through May 14 in towns with less than 20,000 people. Burn permits are not required. For questions regarding burning call the DEC at (845) 256-3026 or visit their website at
Anthony De Bonis – Dog Control Officer 845-489-6148
Pursuant to Article 7 of the Agriculture and Market Law, no person shall own or harbor a dog within the Town of Washington unless such dog is licensed. Such license shall be renewed annually at fees determined by the Town Board of the Town of Washington. The license is most important if your dog is missing from your property or picked up by a dog control officer. The tag enables us to match the dog and the owner.
- All dogs over the age of four months shall require a license.
- A Veterinarian certificate showing current rabies information is required.
- A certificate of spay or neutering must be presented to be eligible for the reduced licensing fee.
The fees are as follows:
- Spayed or neutered dogs $8.50
- Intact dogs $15.50
- Exempt from fees if proper documentation is provided: Guide Dog, Service Dog, War Dog or Police Work Dog
Dog licenses are to be renewed annually through the Town Clerk’s office. They may be renewed by mail or in person.
In the event of an enumeration, unlicensed dogs will be assessed an additional fee of $30.00.
The Town has contracted with the Dutchess County SPCA to house any dogs that have been picked up by the Dog Control Officer.
If your dog has been housed with the SPCA, before it can be released you must:
- Pay to the Town of Washington the seizure fee of $25.00 for the first offense. The fee increases by $25.00 for each additional seizure.
- Have a current dog license.
- Pay any mandated fees to the SPCA including boarding, vet services and fees for shots and immunizations.
The Town Clerk is the Records Access Officer for all Town records. Many town records are available for public review. A Freedom of Information Request may be submitted. The request should reasonably describe the records and you should provide sufficient detail to enable staff to locate the items.
The Town of Washington works very hard to ensure that FOIL requests are answered as quickly possible. If we are unable to immediately provide the information requested, a response will be sent within 5 business days whether we can grant or deny the request, or if more time is needed.
The town may charge $0.25 per photocopy unless otherwise prescribed by statute. You have the right to inspect accessible records at no charge. The town is permitted to require payment for redacted copies of records. If portions of electronic records can be reasonably redacted electronically, prior to disclosure, no payment can be required.
Not all records are maintained electronically, and some records which are maintained electronically may not be available in a particular electronic format.
As the Town moves forward with its website, we will make every effort to have as much information available online as possible. Town Board Minutes are available online.
Voter registration and absentee ballot forms are available at the Town Hall. Forms must be completed and returned directly to the Dutchess County Board of Elections. To contact Board of Elections please call 486-2473.
Elections are held at the Millbrook Fire House, located on Front St., Millbrook.
Primary Elections are 12 noon – 9:00 PM.
General Elections are from 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM.
Town Clerk Forms & Documents
- Application for Copy of Death Record
- Application for a One Day Marriage Officiant
- Application for Copy of Birth Record
- Certificate of Residence Form
- Credit Card Payment Form
- Divorce Certificates
- Dog License Application
- Dog Ordinance Adopted Dec 9 2010
- Employment Application
- Geneaology Request Form
- Handicap Parking Permit Application
- Marriage Certificate Application
- Getting Married in NYS
- Parking Permit for Persons with Disabilities
- Transfer Station Permit Order Form
- Offical ROA 2024
Town Clerk FAQs
It takes approximately 30 minutes to complete the paperwork for a marriage license. Appointment's are not necessary however they are encouraged. If walking in, please take note of the 30 minute time frame it takes to obtain one. We ask that you come anytime before 2:30pm, as we close at 3pm.
A couple who intends to be married in New York State must apply in person for a marriage license to any town or city clerk in the state. Each applicant must furnish acceptable proof of age and identification by submitting one of the following age related documents:
- Birth Certificate (Either original with seal or certified copy with seal)
- Baptismal Record
- Naturalization Record
And one of the following identity related documents:
- Driver’s license
- Passport
- Employment Picture ID
- Immigration Record
There is a 24 hour waiting period from the time you obtain your marriage license until the time you are married. A marriage license is valid for 60 days, beginning 24 hours after it is issued.
Marriage License Worksheet – Complete this sample worksheet and bring it with you when you apply for a marriage license.
Getting Married in New York State
The cost of a marriage license is $40.00, which includes the issuance of a Certificate of Marriage Registration. This certificate is automatically sent by the issuing clerk to the applicants within 15 days after the completed license is returned by the officiant (person who performs the ceremony). It serves as notice that a record of the marriage is on file. Couples who do not receive a Certificate of Marriage Registration within four weeks of the wedding should contact the town or city clerk who issued the license.
Information regarding all previous marriages must be furnished in the application for a marriage license. This includes whether the former spouse or spouses are living and whether the applicants are divorced and if so, when, where and against whom the divorce or divorces were granted. A death certificate or certified copy of the decree of divorce or certificate of dissolution of marriage shall be required for each previous marriage. A copy of a Certificate of Dissolution can be obtained at the County Clerk’s Office in which it was filed; New York State makes this information available here.
A person’s last name (surname) does not automatically change upon marriage and neither party to the marriage is required to change his or her last name. Either party need not take the same last name. One or both parties may elect to change the surname by which he or she wishes to be known after the marriage by entering the new name in the appropriate space provided on the marriage license.
The new name must consist of one of the following options:
- The surname of the other spouse
- Any former surname of either spouse
- A name combining into a single surname all or a segment of the pre-marriage name or any former surname of each spouse
- A combination name separated by hyphen, provided that each part of such combination surname is the pre-marriage surname, or any former surname of each of the spouses.
The use of this option will provide a record of your change of name. The marriage certificate, containing the new name is proof that the use of the new name is lawful. The local Social Security Administration office should be contacted for your social security identification can reflect the name change. Your marriage license surname cannot be changed after the marriage ceremony.
Any couple that meets current requirements for getting married in New York State is eligible to marry regardless of sex. More information on the requirements of getting married in New York State is available at
On June 24, 2011, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed into law the Marriage Equality Act. The Law amends New York’s Domestic Relations Law in the following ways:
- Applications for a marriage license shall be granted regardless of whether the parties are of the same or a different sex;
- A marriage that is otherwise valid shall be valid regardless of whether the parties to the marriage are of the same or a different sex;
- No government treatment or legal status, effect, right, benefit, privilege, protection or responsibility relating to marriage shall differ based on the parties to the marriage being of the same sex or a different sex;
- No religious entity, benevolent organization or not-for-profit corporation that is operated, supervised or controlled by a religious entity, or its employees, can be required to perform marriage ceremonies or provide its facilities for marriage ceremonies, consistent with its religious principles.
As required by New York State Law, the Town Clerk maintains an accurate accounting of all births and deaths that occur within the town. (Excluding the Village of Millbrook) This information is confidential and is never disclosed over the telephone.
- Birth Certificates: A birth certificate is mailed to the parents of each child born within the Town of Washington. Certified copies are available for a fee of $10.00.
Requirements: A letter of request may be submitted in person or through the mail. The written request must include the following information:
- Birth name
- Date of birth
- Father’s name
- Mother’s maiden name
- Place of birth (address)
- Reason for request
- Signature on letter
- Fee of $10.00 for each copy requested
- If request is made through the mail, the signature must be notarized and include a self addressed stamped envelope.
- If birth name is different then current name on ID then a copy of a marriage license or legal document showing the name change
One (1) of the following forms of valid photo-ID:
- Driver license
- State issued non-driver photo-ID card
- Passport
- U.S. Military issued photo-ID
- OR
- Two (2) of the following showing the applicant’s name and physical address:
- Utility or telephone bills
- Letter from a government agency dated within the last six (6) months
Important Notes: Failure to include necessary identification will result in rejection of your application.Copy of Passport required in addition to the above ID if request is made from a foreign country that requires a U.S. Passport for travel
Death Certificates may be obtained through the Town Clerk's office if the death occurred within the Town of Washington, excluding the Village of Millbrook.
Death Certificates may be issued to the spouse, parent, child or sibling of the deceased. Certificates may also be issued to a person with a:
- documented medical need
- documented lawful right of claim (provide proof)
- New York State Court Order
Upon written request, a certified transcript of death (death certificate) will be provided for a fee of $10.00 per copy.
Death Transcripts: Burial Permits are issued to a funeral director for each burial or cremation.
Death certificates may be obtained by the parent, sibling or spouse of the deceased.
Other persons who have a:
- documented medical need
- documented lawful right of claim (provide proof)
- New York State Court Order
Upon written request, a certified transcript of death (death certificate) will be provided for a fee of $10.00 per copy.
We are able to provide copies of the following types of records for genealogy research purposes:
Birth Certificates – if on file for at least 75 years and the person whose name is on the birth certificate is known to be deceased.
Death Certificates – if on file for at least 50 years.
Marriage Certificates – if on file for at least 50 years and the couple are both known to be deceased.
The time periods are waived for direct-line ancestor is a person in the direct line of descent, ie., the child, grandchild, great grandchild of the person whose record is requested.
The direct line ancestor applicant must provide the following:
Proof of their relationship of the person whose record they are requesting.
Proof of the death of the person whose birth certificate they are requesting.
Proof of the death of the bride and groom whose marriage certificate they are requesting.
The standard fee for a genealogy search is $22.00. This includes a three year search of the index, the retrieval and re-filing of the document and either a copy of the record or a no record report. When more than a three year search is requested the fee increases. The fee applies separately for each record requested. Processing a genealogy request generally takes between 3 and 14 business days.
A vital record request is anyone who need's a copy of their own record such as a marriage license or birth certificate. Obtaining these records must be done by the person themselves or in stand of the living person. An example would be a son or daughter calling on behalf of their parent/parent's to obtain their marriage license. A formal application and request must be filled first in order to obtain copies. Copies of these records are $10.00 per copy.
A geneaology search request is anyone who wishes to obtain records on their family in an historical purpose or for use in ancestral purposes. An example of this would be a great, great grandson wishing to obtain his great, great grandparent's marriage license. Copies of these records vary, starting at $22.00 and for every 3 year period, an added $22.00 is added. Please note that in order to conduct the search, payment is required first and the formal application must be properly filled. Once the search is conducted we will either send you the copies of what was requested and if no record is found, you will recieve a formal notice of "No Record Found."
Reserved parking for people with disabilities ensures safe and equal access to goods and services. We can assist you by issuing a parking permit in accordance with New York State Motor Vehicle Law. The application must be completed by the applicant and their physician. Temporary or permanent permits are issued according to the specifications of the physician. A New York State Driver’s License must be presented with the application.
This completed form and your driver’s license must be presented to the clerk in the municipality in which you reside.
- Town of Washington outside the Village of Millbrook – Town Clerk Mary Alex, 10 Reservoir Dr., Millbrook, NY 677-3419
- Village of Millbrook – Village Clerk Sarah Witt, Village Hall, 35 Merritt Ave., Millbrook, NY 677-3939
- The Fountains of Millbrook is located in the Town of Union Vale – Town Clerk Andrea Casey, 249 Duncan Rd., Lagrangeville, NY 724-5600
A reserved parking space for people with disabilities is a legal requirement, not just a courtesy. You can help support the law by parking in reserved spaces only if you have a permit, and only when the person who received the permit is actually in the vehicle.
Dog licenses may be obtained at the Town Clerk's office. The fees are as follows:
- Spayed or neutered dogs $8.50
- Intact dogs $15.50
- Exempt from fees if proper documentation is provided: Guide Dog, Service Dog, War Dog or Police Work Dog
Dog licenses are to be renewed annually through the Town Clerk’s office. They may be renewed by mail or in person.
In the event of an enumeration, unlicensed dogs will be assessed an additional fee of $25.00.
Hunting and fishing licenses are issued during normal business hours. To renew a sporting license a current driver’s license is required. If applying for a hunting license for the first time, a hunter’s education certificate or previous proof of hunting must be presented. The fees vary depending upon the type of license being purchased.
For information on regulations and hunter education classes click below:
The Town Hall is located at 10 Reservoir Drive, Millbrook, NY 12545.
The entrance of the Town Hall is directly across from the back of the Stewart's parking lot.